Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

SHOPJASMINE promises to you that your privacy is secured. We will not be sharing any of your information with a third party. We protect all the user information and payment details.

User Information

We collect the following information from our users – Name, email, residential address, mobile or telephone number. 
The payment details of your account, including credit/debit card number, net banking data, are all protected by our data servers. Keeping your interests in mind, our employees may send you promotional emails about new products, sales, and offers.

In case your information is shared with other businesses by our employee(s), we will take strict disciplinary action against them.


At SHOPJASMINE, you register your basic information to access and log in to your account. For registering, you fill in your email id/number and password. They are not to be shared with anyone. And assurance is given to you that our data servers will keep these details secured and protected. 
At the time of billing, any payment detail or your personal information that you fill in will be given out only to the selected parties i.e., the credit card processor & shipping provider. 

Our staff members may contact you to clear out queries, if they have any, regarding your order or payment. 
From time to time we may use your information for market purposes to customize the website and our products according to your interests.


Our team is committed to protecting your information. Powerful and suitable data protectors block unauthorized access to your particulars.

Control Your Personal Information 
You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:
When filling a form at theSHOPJASMINE website, look for an option that indicates you do not want these details to be used by anyone else. When you click and select that option, we will not sell and distribute your personal information to other businesses.

Contact Us

We are always at your service. If you face any difficulties with the orders or payment procedures, you may contact us through our email or other socials. 
Email –
Contact Number –  (+91) 9871114388

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